Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Blogging for DUE 102

Hello , fellow classmates. The blog has been created. As quoted by Ludwig ,

"You may post pictures or examples of English -- either errors or perfectly good examples -- which teach some grammar point (e.g. that verbs should agree with head nouns of noun phrases). Try to comment constructively on your friends' posts. Observe internet etiquette: no flaming, don't be a troll, and take care not to violate copyright."

For a start, maybe we can sit back and enjoy this comical video from "Mind Your Language"...

So take it away from here...



Fairuzaman Bin Haidzir said...

Hey Vanan!

Classic video clip. Used to watch it before on TV but wonder why it is not aired anymore. Anyway, its interesting to see how people from various countries interpret the fundamentals of English. Example: Ali mistook gift for a substitute word for present which is correct but not appropiate in the context of present meaning a word to state that one is here and not absent.

Cool Clip :)

Unknown said...

It's a good and hilarious video.
this reminds me of a lesson in DUE 101 on semantics and specifically homonyms.

1) Present: Alvin gave Mindy a watch for her birthday present.

2) Present: Only forty people were present for the boring Math lecture yesterday.