Raniah and myself found this at Boon Lay Mrt Station.
How about 1st handphone????
actually it is suppose to be second hand handphone right?
Loose for lose
I always loose my things.
I always lose my things.
It's for its
Download the file along with it's folder.
Download the file, along with its folder.
They're for their
The teachers are in they're weekly contact time.
The teachers are in their weekly contact time.
Lay for lie
I got dizzy and had to lay down.
I got dizzy and had to lie down.
(The verb
(you could further research on your own) =)
Now its your turn to try it out yourself. Come up with examples of these words used in the wrong way.
Effect for affect
P.S: do comment if there's any mistakes
(1) Many students don't know the difference between words like Look and See.
Here are my findings!
Look at these examples first:
I can see the Singapore Flyer from where I live.
Look! Isn't that little girl adorable?
Can you tell the difference?
So, the speaker of that sentence should have said: Look! instead of See.
In addition, he should have also said Look! The trains are coming very crowded every two minutes! The same train is not coming to the station, crowded with people every two minutes, it sounds illogical. So it would be good to say the trains(many of them) are coming to give clarity to the idea that every train that comes to the station is crowded, and the time taken for the trains to come is approx. 2 minutes.
(2) You do not need to add the "back" after the word return. It acts as redundancy.
The definition of return –verb (used with object)
1. to put, bring, take, give, or send back to the original place, position, etc.: to return a book to a shelf; to return a child to her mother; to return the switch to off position.
The correct way of saying it would be I borrowed your pencil and I need to return it to you now. We should use the "it" to refer to the object(pencil) because with the ellipsis of the word "it", it can cause ambiguity.
How can one, possibly, return you back? ;)
Just my views! Do correct me if I am wrong.
Cheers ;) Poonam
1. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080224071529AAezj7G
2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/spanish/specials/1125_questions/page5.shtml
3. http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_difference_between_the_words_look_watch_and_see
4. www.dictionary.com